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Biogetica's Reginmune - Natural Immune Support- 30 Capsules
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Biogetica's Reginmune - Natural Immune Support- 30 Capsules

Product ID: 305580204
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Biogetica’s Reginmune Capsules are a rich source of vitamins, minerals, and amino acids that can help strengthen the body’s immune system. It is a bioregulator that can help boost the nutritional content of the body and enhance energy levels. The high content of amino acids can help assist in the regulation of the immune system, thus strengthening the body’s defense system. It is a combination of unique herbs which can help maintain homeostasis and restore stability. Homeostasis is a healthy state that is maintained by the constant adjustment of biochemical and physiological pathways to help the body function properly. If the body’s homeostasis is disrupted, it may result in the abnormal functioning of the body’s systems. Ingredients – Group I -Phytotheraputic Plant Extracts: Echinacea extracts (Echinacea purpurea, 4.0% total polyphenols) 80mg, Aloe vera80 mg, Cat’s Claw extract (Uncariatomentosa, bark, more than 3.0% alkaloids) 80 mg Group II- Amino acids: L- glutamine 140mg, L-arginine 80 mg, L-lysine HCl 40 mg, L- Isoleucine 20 mg Group III- Vitamins and minerals: Magnesium gluconate (5.86 %magnesium) 40 mg, Copper gluconate (14.44% copper) 3.5mg, Zinc gluconate(14.35% zinc) 25 mg Group IV- Biopolymer in the cellular matrix: Sodium hyaluronate 7.5 mg. Features Potent and pure supplements Vegetarian capsules Combination of herbs Immunity booster Packed with minerals, amino acids, and vitamins

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