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Product ID: 457078524
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Hi Hope this finds you amazingly well. I am Sofea from HANFAS India Before I start explaining my product details, I would like you to ponder over a very important question: Are you completely satisfied with the audit of glue consumption versus the sq.ft. coverage of the work executed? What if we told you that improper glue spreading could result in a loss of up to 30% of your total glue expenditure. Before this issue is addressed, we need to dispel a very common myth that a thicker layer of glue gives better bonding. On the contrary that leads to extremely poor adhesion, often laminates peeling off, uneven laminate surface finish and often air bubbles caused by entrapped air in the thick coat. In most industries glue spreading is grossly ignored, in spite of two major losses and it’s a pity that they opt to using the cheap plastic gimmick, which soon finds its way in landfills within weeks. Don't risk losing your brand-equity by delivering a poor finished product line to your customers, instead offer them a high-quality finished product. There are 3 reasons why you and your team should emphasize using the Hanfas Glue Spreader. Robust and durable to deliver long service life, and with spare rollers can be used again and again and again. Precision machining on VMC and CNC turning centers, delivering accuracy in dispersing glue with optimum results. Large size rollers cover more areas in less time, and large size container reduce frequent refilling, adding in labour costs. [For more details refer Technical Specifications We have two variants for you to choose from, PFA the technical specifications of both variants. Should you require any further information please feel free to contact me on whatsapp or drop in a mail. https://youtu.be/gE6mp4qp1qs https://youtu.be/dX0emmxTG4w Thank you Let's talk Best Regards Sofea Hakim +91 98902 75678 Khurshid Hakim +91 98901 54567 Hannan Hakim +91 98908 00996 INDIA. 📧 : sales@hanfas.com 🌐 : www.hanfas.com

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