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Tsunami Digital Scale, 50 Lb
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Tsunami Digital Scale, 50 Lb

Product ID: 460436719
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The Tsunami 50 lb Digital Scale has comprehensive US/metric conversion. It also features a tare weight function that allows for total fish cumulative weights, and the memory stores weights of up to eight fish, with the sum and average weights included. By using this digital fishing scale, you can have proof of how impressive your catch is, while also ensuring that you're meeting any catch and release ordinances in your area. The large digital display makes it clear and easy to read your fish weight so you can safely release it in a quick, timely manner. Tsunami Digital Scale 50 lb Max Capacity US/metric conversion Back light feature Tare weight allows total fish cumulative weights and memory stores weights of up to 8 fish with sum and average weights Auto shutoff after 4 minutes Water-resistant design

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Khalid Z.

Great experience from order to delivery. Highly recommended!

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Imran F.

Very reliable shop with genuine products. Will definitely buy again!

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Khalid Z.

Great experience from order to delivery. Highly recommended!

1 week ago

Meera L.

Smooth transaction and product arrived in perfect condition.

3 weeks ago